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Privacy Policy


Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool (FeAST) is a sensitivity assessment data management application developed and promoted by the FeAST Working Group. The application stores and allows user interrogation of feature, pressure and activity information relevant to Scotland’s seas.

This document – our FeAST Privacy Notice – will provide you with information about the application, how the application collects personal data, who manages it and why. It will also tell you about the rights you have in relation to how the application uses your personal data and who to contact if you have any questions or concerns.

FeAST is developed and promoted by a partnership of organisations (see below) who form the FeAST Working Group. NatureScot are the Data Controller for the personal data within the application on behalf of the FeAST Working Group. NatureScot and the other organisations on the FeAST Working Group act are Data Processors.

  • Scottish Natural Heritage (operating as NatureScot)
  • Scottish Government - Marine Directorate
  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Purpose - why we collect and use information about you

The FeAST application collects personal data so we can:

  • Create and manage user accounts in the system.
  • Respond to feedback on content from FeAST users, where the user supplies an email contact.
  • Respond to bug reports from FeAST users, where the user supplies an email contact.

User accounts

User accounts are required to:

  • allow users to save bespoke queries and outputs

Before user account creation in FeAST, as part of user registration users will receive an email inviting them to become a registered user of the application. We will use your name, email address to create and manage that account. This will include:

  • ensuring appropriate permissions and security
  • sending system notifications, such as confirmation of account creation
  • cookies and analytics

Submission of feedback on sensitivity assessment content

Names and contact details of individuals submitting feedback on content of sensitivity assessments held in the FeAST application are processed, where supplied, so we can acknowledge and respond to feedback received.

Submission of bug reports

Names and contact details of users submitting application bug reports are processed, where supplied, so we can acknowledge receipt and respond with what action we are taking to resolve the reported bugs.

Management of bespoke queries and outputs

User defined searches and their outputs link to user accounts to ensure they are available to those users in future use of the system.

Our lawful basis for using your personal information

We use what is called ‘public task’ as the lawful basis for processing personal data. This is because we have a duty to use the data to underpin our statutory advice on marine conservation and the sensitivity information in the FeAST application is part of that.

Who we share your personal information with

Personal data may be shared to FeAST Working Group members by email; reflective of their role as Data Processors. This is so they can undertake their requirements to manage and operate the FeAST application; this includes allowing them to respond to user feedback and bug reports where contact details were provided.

The FeAST application is hosted by a third-party acting on behalf of the FeAST Working Group. This company is a Sub-Processor and by default will have access to personal data. Access is managed under written instruction from the FeAST Working Group.

Outputs of sensitivity assessment data obtained publically from FeAST will not contain personal data.

How long do we keep personal data?

  • User account data will be kept for three years after the last log in and activity
  • Personal data associated with bug reporting and feedback on content will be kept for three years after submission.


The FeAST application uses a number of cookies including Google analytics (to measure visitor activity). These cookies can be managed by users with the cookie management feature of the application. You can read more about how we use cookies on our Cookies Policy.

We do not use automated decision making, including profiling.

Your rights

You have legal rights about the way FeAST Working Group partners manage and use your personal data. You can:

  • ask for a copy of your data, free of charge
  • ask us to change any data held about you that is incorrect or incomplete
  • ask us to stop using your personal data until it is rectified
  • ask for the use of your data to be restricted
  • tell us that you have changed your mind if you have previously given consent for your information to be used for a particular purpose

Not all these rights are absolute, which means they may only apply in certain circumstances.

Any requests or queries relating to the use of personal data within the FeAST application should be made to NatureScot who will coordinate the relevant actions with the relevant data controller. Please contact the NatureScot Data Protection Officer:

Email: [email protected]

Address: Data Protection Officer, Battleby House, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW

You can also contact the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Office if you think that your data is not being processed in accordance with Data Protection legislation.  Their helpline is 01334 464610; their email is [email protected] and their website is at https://www.itspublicknowledge.info/

Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review. This privacy notice was last updated on 31st March 2023